About Me
I am a senior lecturer at EURECOM with an affiliate position within the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences at King’s College London (Visiting Senior Lecturer). Previous to these, I had a brief experience as an industrial researcher and I was a Senior Researh Associate at University College London.
I obtained my BSc in Electronics Engineering and MSc in Computer Science at Universidad del Valle and Universidad de los Andes, respectively, in Colombia. I hold a PhD in Signal and Image Processing from Université de Lyon.
Within my research team, we focus on the development of novel machine learning methods from multi-modal data that can be safely used to advance healthcare research and improve clinical practice. From an application standpoint, we aim to answer questions coming from neurovascular and cardiovascular imaging, as well as cancer research.
I was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2024.
- 09-12-2024: Invited Speaker at Women in MICCAI Webinar
- 03-12-2024: I have been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant
- 14-10-2024: Invited talk at 8th Unesco Franco-Latin America forum on bioethics and the ethics of science
- 10-10-2024: Best presentation award at MICCAI MMMI Workshop for Hava Chaptoukaev
- 06-10-2024: Best poster award at MICCAI CaPTion Workshop for Valentin Septiers
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