Health Monitoring
The joint use of smart cities sensors (SCS) and wearables and wearable biometric monitoring devices (WBMDs) data has the
potential to provide a holistic view of a subject’s condition and context in real time, within natural settings and in a
continuous fashion, thus providing complementary information to standard, more precise, but more costly and less available
clinical information. This setup represents a big step forward in the collection of health-related data from subjects and patients.
We work in the development of efficient methods that can exploit jointly SCSs and WBMDs for remote patient monitoring with applications in autistic patients monitoring and COVID-19 diagnosis.
Guy Abi Hanna
Paolo Volpe
Laura Ferrari - INRIA
Esma Ismailova - IMT St Etienne
Massimiliano Todisco - EURECOM
Jose Patino - EURECOM